Bill Analysis

Want to see how much you can save by switching to CloudPBX? Our team of experts can help you analyse your Telephone Bill, understand what you are really paying and suggest a CloudPBX solution for you.

We keep your information completely confidential, and will only use the details you provide for the purpose of preparing a bill comparison report and a possible CloudPBX solution. Once your bill comparison is complete, we will destroy any information you have provided to us within 14 days.

  • About You

  • About your business

    We need some info about your business and your current phone system to set the context for your bill.
  • Examples include telephone numbers that may be attached to internet services not shown on this bill, telephone numbers that are attached to different addresses.
  • We need a copy of your telephone bill to allow us to do the comparison. While we do not need the individual call records, we do need enough information to allow us to see the summary charges for each call type.
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